Nev. GOP will back Trump if he is the nominee

By Megan Messerly, Las Vegas Sun

Across the country, Republican politicians have begun distancing themselves from their party’s presidential front-runner, Donald Trump, for fear of what a Trump nomination might mean for Republicans’ down-ballot chances. Not in Nevada.

Many of Nevada’s top politicians have pledged to stand behind the party should Trump be selected as the nominee. Gov. Brian Sandoval; Reps. Joe Heck, Cresent Hardy and Mark Amodei; and Sen. Dean Heller all have said they would support the GOP nominee, whomever that may be.

That’s not an endorsement: Hardy and Heller support Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and Heck and Sandoval haven’t endorsed anyone, although Sandoval caucused for Rubio. But Nevada politicians appear hesitant to break with the pack. If the party chooses Trump, Trump for president they’ll be.

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