Squaw, Warren Miller looking for local videos

Warren Miller Entertainment, Head and Squaw Valley-Alpine Meadows are looking for user-generated videos showcasing his or her skills as a skier/snowboarder or as a cinematographer/editor. Submissions are not limited to ski or snowboard footage. Video edits that demonstrate and amplify the mountain lifestyle are welcome as well.

The grand prize will include a ski and boot package from Head and an invitation to film with Warren Miller at Squaw Valley-Alpine Meadows during the 2016-17 season. The winning video will also be presented on-screen before every Warren Miller film tour screening in 2016.

Voting will be tiered and open to the public until the third and final round. At the end of the third round on Aug. 26, the four videos with the most votes will be put before a panel of judges including Jeremy Jones, JT Holmes, Jonny Moseley and representatives from Warren Miller Entertainment, Head and Squaw Valley-Alpine Meadows.

The submission period ends May 20.

More info is available online.