EDC raising fees charged to the public
El Dorado County is increasing fees for the public – some of which have remained the same price for more than 20 years.
The decision came on a split vote this week with Supervisors Brian Veerkamp, Ron Mikulaco and Sue Novasel in favor of the measure and Supervisors Shiva Frentzen and Michael Ranalli in the minority.
The Community Development Agency puts a price on more than 450 items. Building permits, cemetery fees, environmental management, time spent with a planner – those are just some of the areas affected. New fees were also added – ones related to technology upgrades and General Plan implementation.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
The Board of Supes had to raise the fees to pay for the 15% raise that Norma Santiago, Ron Briggs, Ray Nutting, Ron Mikulaco, and Brian Veerkamp gave the County employees. Supervisor Sue Novasel voted to cut road maintenance because the County can no longer afford road maintenance because of the 15% raise. The current H.R. Director, Pamela Knorr recommended the 15% raise. Sue Novasel inherited a big mess left by Norma Santiago.