EDSO deputy arrested on DUI charges — again
Updated 4:15pm
El Dorado County sheriff’s Deputy Tony Broadfoot has been arrested on charges of driving under the influence twice in nine days.

Tony Broadfoot
As of Saturday afternoon he was still in jail in Placerville on $250,000 bail.
These two arrests come after his initial DUI arrest on Dec. 8. That incident occurred in South Lake Tahoe. At that time he was placed on paid administrative leave.
The latest two arrests – Feb. 25 and March 4 – were made by California Highway Patrol officers out of the Placerville office. According to CHP Sgt. Ryan Houdeshell, Broadfoot rolled his vehicle Feb. 25 on Highway 50 near Ice House Road. He was not injured. On March 4, it was also an accident, though Houseshell did not have the specifics. No one was injured. This occurred on South Shingle Road in Shingle Springs.
Sheriff’s Lt. Matt Underhill had no comment other than to say Broadfoot was on leave at the time of the latest DUIs.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
It really makes me wonder how well he handled a burglary we had in 2009. He told us he thought they got most of our things back, but when we went to claim them, there were only a few items.