Letter: Filipino cuisine a hit at B&B

To the community,

Once a year, the Filipino community comes together to host a Filipino themed meal that is thoroughly enjoyed by every diner who attends their Bread & Broth sponsorship dinner. Normally the Monday evening dinners are prepared by the B&B volunteer cooks.  However, due to their wonderful cooking skills and the amazing Filipino cuisine they prepare, the Filipino sponsor volunteers were in charge of the cooking for their March 21 Adopt a Day dinner.

The word from the folks who attended the dinner was that the food was plentiful, delicious and a wonderful way to share their Filipino culture. The menu for the evening included honey mustard chicken, sweet and sour pork ribs, stir fry green beans, Filipino style chow mein, steamed rice and popsicles for dessert. It definitely was a wonderful feast lovingly prepared and served by members of the Filipino community.

“The Filipino community would like to express our gratitude for giving us once again the wonderful experience of hosting an Adopt A Day of Nourishment,” wrote Mila Seal.  “An experience that always gives each and every member of the Filipino community the feeling of fulfillment and appreciation of life.”

Bread & Broth would like to thank the wonderful Filipino community members who were involved in every aspect of putting their meal together. They were a generous, fun loving and caring group and Bread & Broth always looks forward with great anticipation to their annual sponsorship.

To partner with B&B as a donor or sponsor, contact me at 530.542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth