Free gardening classes in Reno

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension has teamed up with Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Space to offer Gardening in Nevada: The Bartley Ranch Series.

Classes are free and run 6-8pm every Tuesday through March 29 at Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road in Reno.

The classes are taught by cooperative extension horticulturists and experts, and certified master gardener volunteers.

The next three classes are:

  • March 8: Landscape Gardening for Wildlife – Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Becky Colwell discusses cover food, nesting, and water and shelter needs of backyard wildlife, along with how to attract wildlife such as butterflies, birds and earthworms.
  • March 15: Designing a Water-Efficient Landscape Using Native Plants – Cooperative Extension Horticulture Specialist Heidi Kratsch shares how to use the natural environment and physical characteristics of local native plants to create a soothing and aesthetically pleasing landscape.
  • March 22: Growing Succulent Succulents – Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Liz Morrow discusses the vast selection of succulents well-suited for our area, as well as their growing conditions, care and maintenance.

For more information, call 775.784.4848 or email