Freeway work to cause delays in Carson City

Crews work five days a week hauling 3,000 yards of dirt for what will be an extension of Interstate 580 in Carson City. Photo Copyright 2015 Carolyn E. Wright
Drivers can expect periodic lane reductions on South Carson Street near the Highway 50 intersection in Carson City starting this spring as roadway drainage, paving and construction at the future intersection begins.
TheĀ final leg of the Carson City Freeway project is approximately 25 percent complete.
More than 650,000 cubic yards of dirt have been excavated from the future freeway, with much of it transported underneath South Carson Street via a conveyor system. More earthwork is scheduled through the coming months. Construction of soundwalls and drainage, as well as signage and other electrical systems on the future freeway is under way. Future construction phases will include freeway paving, lighting and landscaping.
The project is expected to completedĀ in 2017.