Skiing, dinner and movie all in 1 event

Tahoe XC Ski Area, Tahoe City Winter Sports Park, Zia Lina and Tahoe Art Haus Cinema are teaming up to bring for an afternoon of skiing, dinner and a movie.

The March 13event starts off with skiing (2:30-4:45pm) at the Tahoe City Winter Sports Park; includes free XC ski trail pass and/or sledding pass with saucer. Sports Park activities include challenge stations and games to complete while traveling along the 3K trail on snowshoes or XC skis. Then ski over to dinner at Zia Lina, which includes soup/salad or pizza/pasta for adults; one course for kids (first seating at 5pm, second seating 7:30pm). This is followed by a screening of the new ski jump movie “Eddie the Eagle” at the Art Haus (first screening 5pm, second screening 7:30pm).

It’s possible to opt for movie first and then dinner.

Cost is $39 for adults and $21 for kids. Go online to make a reservation.