Snippets about Lake Tahoe

edc·       El Dorado County is using Rocklin-based Ralph Andersen & Associates to find a chief administrative officer. Larry Combs has had the job on an interim basis since June.

·       Fire prevention fee bills for fiscal year 2015-16 began being mailed March 1 to more than 700,000 rural Californians, many of who are receiving a bill for the fifth time. Information on how to appeal is available online.

·      Freedom from smoking classes start March 23 and run for seven consecutive Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm at Barton University in South Lake Tahoe. To register, call 530.543.5549. Cost is $30.

·      Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce needs volunteers to conduct door-to-door surveys to determine specific future employment needs for businesses. The inaugural South Shore Business Walk anticipates needing 100 volunteers to canvass businesses from Meyers to Round Hill March 15-16. For more info, go online.