Team gearing up to start Hwy. 89-Fanny Bridge work
Construction of the Highway 89 realignment and Fanny Bridge rebuild in Tahoe City are expected to start this summer, with completion slated for 2017.
Rerouting the highway and the roundabouts on either end will be built this year.
The new roundabout at the Tahoe City Y, the rebuild of Fanny Bridge and the creation of a complete street along what will be old Highway 89 or West Lake Boulevard are planned for construction in summer 2017.
Tahoe Transportation Department is the lead agency. Designs on the bridge are under way. Two gateway monumental design concepts are being reviewed.
Hundreds of trees will be cut to make way for this project. With the approval of the Homewood development and the Northstar and Squaw projects the Fanny bridge project enables these developments. It will not decrease traffic but increase it. Your TRPA and TTD at work for more development, at the expense of the Tahoe basin.