Conner seeks equal treatment from SLT staff
By Kathryn Reed
An El Dorado County Superior Court judge inadvertently limited South Lake Tahoe Councilwoman JoAnn Conner’s interaction with city staff.
Judge Steve Bailey on April 12 said email is the only way Conner, when acting as a citizen and not an elected official, may contact any employee at the city. Prior to then she was allowed to call, even see some of them in person.

JoAnn Conner
Jacqueline Mittelstadt, Conner’s attorney, requested the ex parte hearing. Such a hearing must be heard within 24 hours and is usually done so in more life and death situations, or something dire.
For Conner, the urgency revolved around an event she is putting on at the city’s rec center. Her contention was the city has been making it difficult for her to do her regular job.
Bailey agreed Conner should not be hindered from making a living. His answer was for Conner to be allowed to contact department heads by email as well as the city attorney and city manager.
While the expansion to department heads is new since City Manager Nancy Kerry issued an edict last fall banning Conner from interacting with anyone but herself or the city attorney, the irony is Kerry is by default the head of the recreation department. This is the sector of the city Conner regularly engages because it’s where she stages events.
Bailey cited how limiting Conner’s ability to make a living would be relegating her to a second-class citizen and that he found it “troubling” the city would dictate with whom residents could speak.
In an odd discourse, Bailey dropped the names Duane Wallace and Dave Borges, two well-known South Lake Tahoe residents, asking what if they were denied the ability to do their jobs because the city dictated who they could interact with.
(Bailey hosted a political fundraiser earlier this month for a judicial candidate at which Wallace, Borges, Conner and Mittelstadt were in attendance.)
What was missing from Tuesday’s hearing was any evidence supporting or refuting Conner’s claims. This is normal in this type of procedure, but it left Bill Chisum, outside counsel for the city, with little room to make an argument.
Documents were submitted by the city that did not appear to have been relevant at this juncture.
In Kerry’s declaration to the court she outlined how it’s true Conner is treated differently – she has her emails and requests responded to in a matter of hours instead of days, which is more customary.
The defense counsel wrote, “It is difficult to understand petitioner’s complaints when she fails to take simple acts like picking up the application packet.”
An evidentiary hearing is scheduled for late May. At that time the city’s request to have Mittelstadt dismissed because of a conflict of interest will also be heard.
The whole legal brouhaha started last year with the other four council members censuring Conner as well as the city manager’s ruling to limit Conner’s access to staff. These decisions came about because city staff felt harassed by Conner; and others – including her council colleagues – were tired of verbal abuse.
The judge on Tuesday told Conner not to harass anyone, not to destroy city property, no stalking and more than a half dozen other no-no’s when it came to her behavior.
If it wasn’t true, it would be quite funny.
Interesting how JoAnn Conner says the problem is every other City Council Member and the City’s staff and that it has absolutely nothing to do with her behavior and her treatment of other people. When someone proclaims to be so persecuted at the hands of everyone else it’s probably time they step back and evaluate their participation because it’s not likely a conspiracy of everyone being out to get them. Unfortunately JoAnn Conner has to have her way all the time and when she doesn’t get her way she becomes vicious and intimidating. Her immaturity, bullying, need for revenge, and publicly growing anger issues make me believe that when Conner interacts with any City staff there should be at least three staff persons present and that those interactions should all be taped to legally protect everyone.
It’s going to be a very long 8-plus months until the end of this woman’s term. Too bad Judge Bailey can’t force JoAnn Conner to seek help for anger management and other psychological issues; she just might end up be a happier person.
The only City employee who answers directly to the City Council and its members is the City Manager. Other employees are generally polite and responsive to City Council members and take any issues they might have with individual Council members directly to the City Manager.
It’s easy to read between the lines of these reports and imagine that a Council member has exceeded her authority by acting directly with city employees who are put in the difficult yet proper position of refusing her instructions. The City Manager has every right and even, in this case, an obligation to protect her staff and employees from a rogue council member who refuses to accept or even realize her proper roll as an elected official.
Copper, Correction, the city attorney answers to the city council, not to the city manager.
Ms. Connor was the only council member to question the censorship of speech that the mayor announced, with no warning. If you televise council meetings televise all the meeting! Don’t censor the part you don’t want to here.
More correctly and perhaps more relevantly, the City Attorney always represents the interests of the City and may or may not, depending on his (her?) view of real or potential conflicts with or within that representation, choose to represent the council, individual members or other individual employees of the City. Look it up.
If anyone bothered to watch the end of the April 5th City Council meeting (City Council Reports – Assignment to Boards/Committees/Commissions and Comments) they would have heard the recommendations to 1) broadcast public announcements for community events and for non-profits; and 2) the direction given to the City Attorney to perform a review on how the City Council Members could have the ability to respond to insulting and slanderous remarks made to them during the Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items. That way the public would not take the Council’s silence due to the Brown Act as an admission of truth, and perhaps if some members of the public knew they didn’t have free reign and could be addressed and held accountable for their comments the broadcasting of Public Comments on Non Agenda Items may be possible again.
I don’t blame the City Council Members for not wanting to have their hands tied behind their backs while some of the good people of this town throw feces at them.
Copper says ” the ONLY city employee who answers to the council and it’s members is the city manager”. No spin just the facts. Mr. 4-mer, nothing prevents staff from commenting on public comments, no Brown act violation there.
Mr. Pierini:
Oh sure. I can just see the City Manager, the City Attorney or any other staff person publicly going toe to toe with one of the half-dozen or so City government hating angry rude people who frequently attend those meetings. I don’t think a City Council would encourage or allow a staff person to talk to one of those angry haters the way they talk to staff, and if they did the haters would be calling for that staff person’s termination because someone was rude to them.
What a joke.
Mr. 4 mer, None of the behavior you mentioned trumps free speech. They might be rude but they have to give their name, unlike some on this forum. That’s the joke.
Why is that? Some do and some do not have to use their real names to comment here?
Mr. Pierini:
You always go back to your repetitious neediness of knowing the identity of 4-mer-usmc. I have the right to privacy just like you think your friends have the right to be rude. Have you forgotten where you came from and being on your dice game with rude a**-holes taking cheap shots at you just because they could get away with it? You may think it’s someone’s right to be rude to someone else who is not in a position to defend themselves, but I don’t.
Mr. 4-mer Its called free speech, and some like you want to limit it. I don’t want to limit it. Read the Bill of Rights.
Mr. Pierini:
You expound on free speech yet criticize my right to privacy. I gave up four years and four-months of my life to defend those rights. How much of your life did you give up?
:( Do Not go there 4-mer!! Shame on you!!!
Robin Smith:
Exactly what is that supposed to mean?
Let’s get back to the topic.
LTN staff
6 years. And as you have said “right back at you”.
First, while the City Council asks for people to state their name, people are not obligated to do so.
Second, the meetings are public, but they are not the public’s meeting. A council meeting is the council’s meeting. The city is under no obligation to allow people to announce events or listen to slander.
Third, the First Amendment does not allow all forms of speech. Just try yelling fire in a crowded theater when there isn’t one.
Fourth, the South Lake Tahoe City Council is unusual in that it televises meetings. El Dorado County supervisors may be seen via computer and other entities have live audio available via computer. Most public meetings having something to do with the basin are not available to the public outside of reading the minutes or attending in person.
LTN staff
Thank you for that clarification.
No name but there face is there, that’s fine.