Letter: Generosity helps transitional youth
To the community,
On April 2, the Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra received over 350 pieces of luggage, duffle bags, backpacks, and sleeping bags for children and youth in transition.
These youngsters include foster children and transitional aged youth who may be homeless or couch surfers. No longer do they need to carry their limited belongings in garbage bags as they move from place to place. The luggage will be distributed by Tahoe Youth & Family Services, and Sierra Child and Family Services.
Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra thanks T.J. Maxx for the use of the parking lot as the staging site for the collection. We thank those generous community members who have helped youth and children bring a bit of order to their lives by providing much needed luggage.
If you have luggage to donate but missed the event, may bring your suitcases, duffle bags, and backpacks to Sierra Child and Family Services (2580 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe).
Tom Millham, Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra