Kindergarten registration to begin in LTUSD
Kindergarten registration for next school year begins in May for Lake Tahoe Unified School District.
For kindergarten, kids must be 5 by Sept. 1, 2016. For transitional K the child must turn 5 between Sept. 2-Dec. 2, 2016. This is a two-year program at Tahoe Valley Elementary School.
Registration is May 2-6.
California Law require:
1. The child’s birth certificate.
2. Proof of immunizations, which includes the Varicella (Chicken Pox), Hepatitis B and for
most children – the last booster shot. Children will not be enrolled in school without presenting an
up-to-date immunization record.
3. A health examination upon entry to school.
4. An oral health examination upon entry to school.
5. Proof of California residency.
Call the school for an appointment:
Bijou Community School 530.543.2337; Sierra House Elementary 530.543.2327; Tahoe Valley Elementary 530.543-2350.