North Shore bus system improvements planned

Placer County supervisors this week approved the 2016 Tahoe Truckee Area Regional Transit Systems Plan.

It replaces the 2005 document. The new plan formalizes many of the recommendations from local government partners, transit advocacy groups and business leaders who want to develop a world-class transit system for residents and visitors.

It will cost $8.7 million over five years to update the Tahoe Area Regional Transit system. Two models have been drafted, dependent on funding.

The financially-constrained plan upgrades would include:

  • Increased overall services by 67 percent
  • Increased number of buses in operation from 10 to 13
  • Expansion of dispatch and mechanic staff
  • Construction of four bus shelters
  • Improvement of Crystal Bay bus stop facilities.

The financially-unconstrained plan upgrades would include:

  • Elimination of all transit fares
  • Extension of winter and summer 30-minute daytime service north of Squaw Valley and Northstar to Truckee
  • Extension of year-round night service to Truckee
  • Expansion of fleet by two buses.

Funding for the increases in service could potentially come from increased Federal Transit Administration funds, potential transportation sales tax funds, sustained transient occupancy tax funding and contributions from land development.