Placer works to resolve Kings Beach traffic issues

Source: Placer County
Placer County is about to implement more stringent parking regulations near Speedboat Beach in Kings Beach to help alleviated some of the traffic problems in the surrounding neighborhood.
Supervisors on April 19 voted to tighten parking restrictions on nearby county roads and increase the fine for illegal parking from $25 to $100. The board also approved creating a designated loading and unloading area at the main public access point to the beach.
To help make an immediate impact, county staff will pursue a pilot program to fund additional patrols and enforcement of California Highway Patrol parking ordinances.
Several county supervisors went on a tour Monday with staff to get a visual of the problems and proposed solutions.
Much of the Speedboat Beach area is privately owned. Still, the number of visitors has grown. In large part this is because the beach is more expansive because of the drought. More people means more parking and traffic congestion as well as trash in neighborhoods.
Placer County hosted three community meetings last year to hear from locals about how to solve the problem. The improvements proposed to the board this week were ones that had the highest feasibility and strongest community support.
All changes should be in place by June 1. Supervisors will look at the issue again in a year to determine if further changes are needed.
Signs at the beach will help delineate public access areas, identify beach rules and help visitors better appreciate the beach’s natural resources and the need to protect them.
Staff also recommended replacing the aging wooden stairs that provide access to the beach and installing a permanent public restroom with flush toilets. The board encouraged staff to continue refining those proposals with community input.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report