Snippets about Lake Tahoe

douglas·       Douglas County is partnering with public health, healthcare agencies and others to produce a Community Health Needs Assessment. The purpose is to develop ways to improve the health of Douglas County residents. The survey will be available until May 6.

·      The Nevada Department of Agriculture has nearly $250,000 available to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops through projects that seek to improve the specialty crops industry. More info is online.

·       Caltrans’ goal is to open Sonora Pass to Kennedy Meadows Road in time for the beginning of trout season, April 30.

·      Day of the Young Child is June 4, 10am-2pm 2016 at Lake Tahoe Community College. To register, call 530.541.5848.

·       Tahoe City Public Utility District Parks and Recreation Department has cleared the snow on the Tahoe City paved bike trails from Dollar Hill to Squaw.