Trump nation gambling on Nevada

By Joe Mozingo, Los Angeles Times

On the vacant, sun-blasted streets southwest of the Strip, Joe Cervantes sees an America on the decline.

For Cervantes, life in these sand-blown suburbs has come to look like much that has gone wrong with the rest of the country.

The way Cervantes sees it, the government is a high-stakes card game at which he and most Americans never get a seat. He voted for President Obama but has twice been disappointed. This election, the name he is betting on is emblazoned in gold on the Vegas skyline: Trump.

“The middle class is done in this country. I think we need an outsider like [Donald] Trump to come in and upset the establishment and make them help the middle class,” Cervantes says.


The GOP front-runner swept the February caucuses with a nearly 2-1 edge over the establishment candidate, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, claiming all but two of Nevada’s counties.

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