WCSO to train citizens in case of emergency
The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Citizen Corps is offering an emergency preparedness and response training academy beginning April 14.
The training is free and trainees are not required to become a Citizen Corps volunteer to participate.
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Academy provides residents with the information to help save lives and reduce trauma in the event of an emergency. CERT Academy training includes disaster preparedness, emergency medical techniques, fire safety, light search and rescue, disaster psychology, and terrorism awareness education.
The CERT Academy offers six training sessions over two consecutive weekends. Dates are April 14 from 6-9pm, April 15 6-9pm, April 16 9am-4pm, April 21 6-9pm, April 22 6-9pm and April 23 9am-4pm.
All sessions are required to complete the training and receive a certificate. Training takes place at the Regional Public Safety Training Center located at 5190 Spectrum Blvd., Reno.
To sign up, contact Shirlee Rhodes at 775.325.6928 or srhodes@washoecounty.us.