Blood drive to replenish dropping supplies

United Blood Services is having a blood drive May 18 at Tahoe Douglas Fire Station 23.

Donations have declined since mid-March and the demand has escalated, dropping the available supply of type O-Negative and type O-positive to extremely low levels. Blood center officials have concluded that an increase in Zika deferrals after spring break travels has caused a decline in donations.

Donors with type O (positive or negative) who are currently eligible are being urgently asked to donate at their nearest center, or blood drive; or to donate as soon as they become eligible. Those with other blood types are asked to keep to their routine schedule of donating three times per year, in order to maintain an ample and steady supply.

The blood drive at the Elks Point fire station will be from noon-5:30pm. Donors are asked to make an appointment by contacting Kate or Casey at 775.588.3591. Walk-ins are welcome.