Ex-supe of EDC schools going to jail
By Kathryn Reed
Former El Dorado County Superintendent of Schools Jeremy Meyers has been sentenced to 110 days in jail.
Meyers was arrested on driving under the influence charges twice in five months in 2015. He had earlier pleaded no contest to the first offense and last week pleaded guilty to the second.

Jeremy Meyers
Sentencing on May 25 also included four years of formal probation and having to install an alcohol device in his vehicle.
“We have no comment,” Paul Zappettini told Lake Tahoe News. He has been the attorney representing Meyers through his troubles.
Both arrests came in the middle of work days, with his blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit.
Instead of merely stepping away from the job last fall, he forced the board members’ hands by making them pay him $114,821.55 – the equivalent of his salary through June 30, 2016. The five elected board members agreed to also give him $10,930. This is what the value of his medical, dental and life insurance would be for that same time period.
Meyers held the board hostage is how some people described it. Because Meyers was elected and was not accused of committing a felony the board had little recourse.
Ed Manansala, deputy superintendent of educational services for the district since June 2013, was sworn in Jan. 5 as the superintendent of El Dorado County Office of Education.
It is about time this sorry excuse for a human being faces some punishment for his crimes against not only the citizens of El Dorado County but also of all the innocent lives he chose to put at risk during a school day. I am just wondering how many times he has chosen to drink and drive in the middle of the day in other places such as neighboring Amador and Placer counties or other cities like San Francisco or Sacramento. Inmate Meyers has shown his true colors and total disregard for laws rules and regulations I am just wondering if the office of education ever gets audited what may be found, perhaps outside agencies have tried in the past to look into things but Inmate Meyers hid behind his lawyer and was able to squash anyone or any outside agency attempting to look into his activities. Inmate Meyers was able to force the school board into a cash settlement and this was with him facing a recall no telling what else may have occurred prior to this. Rott in the county jail Inmate Meyers you are where you deserve to be
As I was informed many years ago by a particularly obnoxious “officer of the court,” attorneys have to eat too.
Very true they must be having Thanksgiving Dinner every day with the actions of Inmate Jeremy Meyers
The only question is when does Inmate Meyers have to start serving his jail time? I and many people would like to be at the County Correctional Facility when this sorry excuse for a human being let alone credentialed educator in The State of California finally faces justice for some of his actions. Inmate Meyers you have done a lot of harm to many people in your tenure as both superintendent and Deputy Superintendent and I hold you completely responsible. You hid your arrest in June 2015 from the public because your district faced legal action for your Failure as their leader, I wonder did you use you use your elected position to avoid arrest and booking in county jsil like all other DUI suspects would have faced in June 2015? Inmate Meyers you deserve prison for your crimes although I will have to settle for you being held in a county jail, you took something from me that was sacred and you hid behind your attorneys spending no telling how many dollars of tax payer money causing countless delays of the case against EDCOE, the HR Director never did an investigation and is not even qualified to be in HR SPHR aka Society Human Resources Manager Credentialing is considered the standard of HR Directors and current HR Director although the title has changed for Colleen Johnson she was a school principle not a HR Professional, so the question is what qualified her for this position? So tell me why did EDCOE change their policies in November 2013 deleting Pregnancy as a class of discrimination and changed the HR directors job title these were the only chances from the previous policy, so why did you need to have this changed Inmate Meyers, were you actually guilty and just chose to outspend the person making the case against you, hiding behind your attorney, note you had tax dollars to spend the other side had to come out of pocket? Inmate Meyers you hid your arrest in June of 2015, stated in an extremely arrogant manner “I don’t work for the school board” after your first arrest/citation refusing to face the public so what else are you hiding Inmate Meyers? As I go into this weekend I will celebrate the memories of my Brothers and Sisters who have given the ultimate sacrifice just remember Inmate Meyers an active duty service member was not allowed to speak his peace before a court of justice in the United States due to you hiding behind your attorneys and the California Civil Procedure this will not be forgotten. Rot in jail Inmate Meyers you deserve this and much more, The tax payers in El Dorado County have had to pay your tab way too long the fact you have NO honor and held the tax payer on the hook for $125,000 shows that you have no ethics and will do anything for your own gain so Rot in Jail Inmate Meyers, which makes me wonder what else have you hidden Inmate.