Keeping vehicles safe at trailheads

Whether you are taking a rafting trip on the Truckee, and leaving your car at one of our local river parks, or getting away from it all on a wilderness trail, remember that criminals are looking for opportunities. Leave nothing of value, or any visible trace of valuables, in the car when you’re in the outdoors.

Bring an appropriate sized back pack or water proof container to carry essential belongings and leave non-essential valuables at home.

Here are other tips from the Washoe County Sheriff’s Department:

  • Lock the door when leaving the car.
  • Don’t leave valuables in the car. If valuables must be left in a vehicle, be sure to lock them in the trunk or glove compartment not under jackets or blankets behind the seat as that is one of the first places criminals look.
  • Leave no trace. Don’t leave any sign that there might be valuables hidden in a vehicle by leaving items such as docking stations or connector cables visible. Leave nothing in plain sight that might make the vehicle a target for thieves, not even loose coins or a CD.
  • Be sure to set the car alarm or anti-theft devices. These are still effective deterrents against criminals who are looking for the easiest target.
  • Keep windows completely closed.