Letter: STMS students help at Bread & Broth

To the community,

Bread & Broth would like to thank and acknowledge Club Live. Club Live is a program for middle school students that promotes a healthy life style through leadership events, recreational trips and community service projects. Under the guidance of Larry Lambdin and Beth Aiton, the program’s co-advisors, five members of the club helped serve at the Club Live’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment on May 16.

In addition to helping pack the food giveaway bags, serving drinks and desserts and helping with the dinner’s cleanup, the very helpful and eager Club Live members provided toothbrushes, tooth paste and other personal items to supplement food given out at the dinner. Representing Club Live at their sponsorship dinner were members Vesenia Garcia, Katie Ramirez, Anahi Robles, Rose Torres and Delia Zepeda and co-sponsor Paula Lambdin.

“This was a great experience for Club Live,” said Larry Lambdin, co-sponsor for the dinner.  “We always enjoy it. A couple of my kids were really nervous at first, but became very comfortable as the afternoon went on. One student even asked if we could come back and do it again.”

B&B looks forward to partnering with Club Live again and applauds the positive impact the program has on the lives of our community’s children.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth