Snippets about Lake Tahoe

Nancy Kerry
· South Lake Tahoe City Manager Nancy Kerry on May 14 will be the keynote speaker at the San Diego State University School of Public Affairs dinner for distinguished graduates where she will be receiving the outstanding alumni award.
· The Squaw Valley Municipal Advisory Council will discuss the Village at Squaw Valley Specific Plan project on May 14 at 3pm at Plumpjack Squaw Valley Inn, Mountain Room, in Olympic Valley.
· The U.S. Forest Service, Truckee Ranger District, is planning to burn 40-80 acres of understory vegetation near Russel Valley/Stampede Reservoir on May 10-11.
· There will be detours on Highway 50 on the West Slope on May 17-18 while El Dorado County does roadwork.
· Maciej Stebel is the newest deputy for Douglas County Sheriff’s Department.