Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Early voting for the June 14 primary in Nevada begins May 28.
· El Dorado County residents age 19 and older have an opportunity to get their high school diploma and career training through the library. For more info, go online.
· Mountain Area Preservation is putting on a gathering June 1 from 5:30-7:30pm at the Truckee-Tahoe Airport that will focus on the Martis Valley West Parcel Specific Plan, final environmental impact report, and the June 9 Planning Commission hearing at Granlibakken. For more info, email
· The Douglas County Public Library’s Toddler Storytime programs are June 7-July 26, Tuesdays at 10:30am at the Minden Library. Storytime is for children 18 months to 3 years old.
· Mountain bikers are being asked to stay off Monument Trail because there was a substantial rockslide and the area is unstable. The U.S. Forest Service will be blasting soon.