South Shore residents on quest to bring change

Matt Palacio writes ideas about how to improve housing on the South Shore. Photo/LTN
By Kathryn Reed
Redevelopment, housing, mental health, environment and recreation are the five main concerns of a grass roots group that wants to bring change to the South Shore.
About 20 people met last week at the American Legion in South Lake Tahoe to discuss what they believe could be done to make the area better.
“We can only have progress if we collaborate,” Jenna Palacio, who facilitated the April 26 meeting, said.
The discussion was to help the group develop a platform. This month – a meeting date has yet to be set – the goal will be to create a strategy in order to realize objectives. A smaller steering committee was created that night to bring more structure to the group that is known as Tahoe for Progress.
This was the second gathering, with the initial one in March generating a turnout of about 80 people. The dwindling attendance could be timing, people wanting a different focus, or the realization change takes work.
It was suggested that surveys be created to generate input from people who cannot attend the meetings. A Facebook page and website may be created to bring the message to more people.
When it came to specifics, those gathered expressed the following ideas-concerns:
· Redevelopment: repurpose old motels, put in the loop road, learn from Park City, public-private partnerships, walkable town center, marinas are being ignored, seek federal grants.
· Mental health: increase El Dorado County’s budget, get people outside, education, reduce the stigma, address drug use.
· Recreation: contiguous bike trails, vote to raise taxes to get a new rec center, more events, build high-end athletic facility, allow more uses on federal land, water park, address shoulder season slow down.
· Environment: build green-LEED buildings, treat runoff, more renewable energy.
· Housing: lack of affordable rentals, vacation rental and second homes are taking over, change regulations, housing for Lake Tahoe Community College students, second homeowner tax, convert hotels, increase wages, have businesses provide housing.