Study: Future of work — multiple jobs

By Marissa Lang, San Francisco Chronicle

Long hours at multiple jobs may soon become the norm for American workers, but they may be happier that way.

In a survey aimed at identifying trends shaping the “future of work,” Adobe asked more than 2,000 office workers from the U.S., Britain and India a series of questions about their work habits, motivations and sense of fulfillment. The responses painted a picture of employees who, in spite of feeling overwhelmed by their jobs, reported greater happiness and sense of opportunity when working at more than one job, for longer hours and with “state-of-the-art technology.”

About a third of all U.S. workers, or 53 million Americans, are working a second job, or “moonlighting,” outside of their primary profession, according to Adobe research.

In the future, the poll found, that number will likely increase to more than half of all workers.

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