Illegal fireworks taken off streets in Truckee

More than 1,882 pounds of illegal fireworks were confiscated from the bug station in Truckee this month.

CalFire had a special investigation going on there and in San Bernardino to try to catch as many people as possible before the contraband could be used this holiday weekend.

At the sting in Truckee seven people were arrested on felony charges, while 20 others received misdemeanor citations.

In San Bernardino County, 25,406 pounds of illegal fireworks were found, which culminated in two felony arrests and 51 misdemeanor citations.

“Any person who starts a fire from fireworks — even accidentally — can be held liable for the fire-fighting costs as well as property damage costs,” CalFire Director Ken Pimott said in a press release.

Personal fireworks are illegal in the Lake Tahoe Basin year-round.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report