Resurfaced courts for Tahoe Tennis Classic

Participants in the 33rd annual Tahoe Tennis Classic will be playing on newly resurfaced courts this summer.

The six hard courts at Zephyr Cove Tennis club are like brand new. Painted a lighter and darker shade of green, they are already being broken in by locals.

With the tournament’s growth in popularity, it is now a four-day event – July 28-31. To accommodate everyone, some matches will be played at nearby courts. The all doubles adult tournament brought out a record number of participants last year from nine states. Tournament officials are expecting an equal or great number of players this year.

This is the third year the nonprofit Zephyr Cove Tennis Club Foundation has been overseeing the tournament. The Saturday night dinner is now a much sought-after ticket because of the camaraderie – even among those who were foes on the courts – and the party atmosphere on the eve of the finals. This night is now a major fundraiser for the club with a raffle and silent auction. Proceeds from this year’s event will be allocated to pay off the resurfacing debt. (No need to participate in the tournament to attend the dinner at Harveys in Stateline; anyone is welcome to attend for $30.)

Entry fee for the various divisions is $80, with the second event $30. Every player is guaranteed at least two matches and some swag. The deadline to signup is July 24. More information, as well as the registration form, is available on ZCTC’s website.

While Douglas County owns the courts, it the ZCTCF that maintains them and the entire tennis facility.