Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·       The 5th annual Tahoe Bike Challenge Bike Path Cleanup is June 11 from 9:30am-noon. There are various locations. Go online to sign up.

·       Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows celebrated Memorial Day with a $150,000 donation to High Fives Foundation for the 2016-17 Military to the Mountains program.

·       Tahoe Adventure Company is reviving the mountain bike rental program at Tahoe Cross Country in Tahoe City. It will include mountain bike rentals and accessories, basic tuning services, and guided tours.

·       South Tahoe Association of Realtors has begun a weekly program to volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe.

·       The League to Save Lake Tahoe’s Restoration Day is June 4 from 9:15am-noon. Volunteers will survey the plants that were planted last September, water any plants that need a little care, stabilize stream banks and survey for aquatic invasive plants. For more info and to RSVP, go online.