Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Bill Cottrill, who has worked at the Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel property for 18 years, is now the general manager.
· Beginning June 9 and running through Aug. 18 there will be free shuttles for Truckee Thursdays between 4:30- 9:30pm to the following destinations: Donner Lake, Squaw Valley, Sierra Meadows, Brockway, Northstar, Prosser and Glenshire. For more info, go online.
· Whole Roots Health, a wellness facility in Truckee, is now open.
· Tough Mudder returns to Northstar on June 11-12. For more info, go online.
· South Lake Tahoe Library is hosting a Nature Journal Club for ages 12-16 on July 9, 16, 23 from 10-11:30am. Sign up at the library, as space is limited. Friends of the Library provides journals and colored pencils.