USFS seeks input from users of forest lands

The Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest is conducting recreation visitor surveys throughout the summer and into the fall.

The information will be used for forest and local community tourism planning. The goal is to provide the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest recreation staff with an estimate of how many people actually visit the forest and what activities they engage in. The survey results will also show levels of visitor satisfaction and the impact forest visitors have on the local economy.

Questions include: where people recreated on the forest, how many people they traveled with, how long they were on the forest, what other recreation sites they visited, and how satisfied they were with the facilities and services provided. About a third of the visitors will be asked to complete an additional survey on recreation spending during their trip.

The interview lasts about 8 to 12 minutes.

Traffic counters on roads are collecting information about how many vehicles access different parts of the forest for recreational activities.