Letter: Fourth of July parade — a bad idea
To the community,
OK — I don’t want to rain on anybody’s parade, but whose idea was it to have a parade on one the busiest days of the year?
This town starts to vibrate at 7am on July 4 and the “powers that be” decided it was a good idea to shut down Highway 50 from 9-10:30 in the morning. Really?
Did you ever stop and think about the ripple effect that it is going to have on the rest of the day. Did you think about how many people you’re going impede by having a parade on July 4? Did you stop and think that this might get in the way if emergency services are needed?
You have upset locals and you are going to upset visitors. I just can’t wrap my brain around this idea. It make no sense.
Just my 2 cents.
John Spinola, South Lake Tahoe