Incline prepping for busy holiday weekend

The following traffic and parking controls are planned for Incline Village from now through July 4:

  • There will be no parking on Village Boulevard (Southwood Boulevard to Lakeshore Boulevard) and Lakeshore Boulevard (Village to Country Club). There will be limited handicap parking available on Lakeshore Boulevard in front of Incline Beach gate.

Road closures on July 4:

  • Lakeshore Boulevard will be closed between Village and Country Club from 7pm until after the fireworks display.
  • One-way traffic from 5am-11pm on Lakeshore Boulevard from Village Boulevard to Country Club Drive. One lane will be used for loading and unloading only. Incline Way from Country Club Drive to Southwood Boulevard.

There will be a free shuttle to the IVGID beaches on July 3-4, with extended hours — 10:30am-10:30pm. Must have valid beach access to use the shuttle service.