Letter: Homeless group gives thanks

To the community,

Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless would like to thank the many volunteers who participated in our litter pick up day around the 981 Silver Dollar neighborhood on July 9. We also appreciate Clean Tahoe for contributing supplies.

Participants included Chara Fugii, Norine Hegy, Jenn Lay and Jill Parmele. We appreciate their help in being good neighbors and keeping the area free of trash.

Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless is seeking space for the 2016-17 winter season.  Minimum requirements include 2,000-square-feet of space, restrooms, parking, and storage areas.  We are also looking for businesses to run supply drives in the fall and for volunteers for the 2016-17 winter season.  We can be contacted at tahoewarmroom@gmail.com or 775.573.0822.


Marissa R. Muscat, executive director