Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·       Tahoe Institute for Natural Science is looking for people to participate in the North American Butterfly Association’s Butterfly Count Program on July 17. A 15-mile diameter count circle in South Lake Tahoe has been selected. For more info, email

·       July 9 is the Taste of Gold fundraiser for the Lake Tahoe Community College Foundation. It is from 6-9pm at the demonstration garden. For more info and tickets, go online.

·       Jenner Felton of Zephyr Cove earned a bachelor of science degree in computer science from Harvey Mudd College last month.

·       Transforming Transportation, Finally: How Three Transportation Revolutions are Starting to Disrupt Transportation as We Know It is the topic of an Aug. 11 lecture at Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village. Time: 5:30-7pm. Cost: $5.

·       Tour De Tahoe – Bike Big Blue is Sept. 11. Cyclists will ride the 72 miles around Lake Tahoe. More info is online.