Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·       Mormon Station State Historic Park is putting on a Dutch oven cooking demo on July 9 at 9am in front of the museum in Genoa.

·       Internationally acclaimed muralist John Pugh will give a talk titled Creating a Sense of Place on July 13 from 6-8pm at the South Lake Tahoe Senior Center.

·       Wild Things, a live wild animal show, will be at the C.V.I.C. Hall in Minden on July 12 at 5:30pm and 6:30pm. These are free presentations for kids of all ages. Wild Things is focused on housing and caring for displaced wildlife.

·      Photographer and UC Davis Professor Terry Nathan is putting on a one-day workshop July 16 from 9am-1pm on how to capture the Hope Valley region’s landscapes and vistas. For class reservations, call Sorensen’s at 800.423.9949. Cost is $60 for people staying at the resort, $95 for others.

·       Caitlin Jemma & The Goodness is putting on a free concert at Jason’s Beachside Grille in Kings Beach on July 23 at 6pm.