Snippets about Lake Tahoe

Fireworks light up the night sky on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe on July 4. Photo/Howie Nave
· Meet the dogs used in the Nevada Department of Wildlife’s Bear Management Program on July 15 at 6pm at the pavilion at Mormon Station State Historic Park in Genoa.
· Board of Equalization member George Runner in hosting a free small business tax seminar on July 19 from 8-11:30am at the Truckee Tahoe Airport. Topics include common sales and use tax problems, employee or independent contractor, forms of ownership and recordkeeping. To register, call 888.847.9652.
· The Douglas County Public Library’s July 9 Summer Saturday Family Movie is “The Lego Movie” (rated PG). It will be shown at 2pm in the Minden Library meeting room. The movie and popcorn are free.
· Here are the El Dorado-Tahoe and Sierra roadwork schedules from Caltrans for the week.