2 Olympics viewers watch with Nev.’s interests at heart

Brian Krolicki continues to support a Lake Tahoe bid for the Winter Games. Photo/LTN file
By Richard N. Velotta, Las Vegas Review-Journal
It’s easy to understand why Jon Killoran and Brian Krolicki are watching Sunday’s closing ceremonies of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro a little differently than the average viewer.
Every beauty shot of the Ipanema and Copacabana beaches, every view of Sugarloaf Mountain and the Christ the Redeemer statue are tributes to the destination that make viewers say, “Yes, I’d like to be there someday.”
Killoran and Krolicki have that same attitude for Nevada.
Over the past two decades Krolicki, the former lieutenant governor who headed the Nevada Commission on Tourism for eight years, has beat the drum for hosting the Winter Olympic Games at Lake Tahoe.
Killoran, since 2009, has been the CEO of the Reno Tahoe Winter Games Coalition, an organization that has led the charge for Nevada and California to bring the Winter Olympics back to the region.
So is California out of the equation and planning for the Nevada Olympics bid? No mention in recent article. One cannot separate Lake Tahoe: The impacts to California may be unintended but are real! People visit Lake Tahoe, they don’t just visit the Nevada side. When a serious bid goes forward the California side of the Lake will be impacted and MUST BE CONSIDERED !
I very much doubt the Olympics are coming anywhere close to here. Russia spent $40 Billion on the Winter Olympics. I doubt those resources are available.