FDA regs could damage Nev.’s vapor industry

By Valerie Miller, Las Vegas Sun

As 5 o’clock rolls around, people are trickling into Charles Ploski’s Henderson business. A father and his grown son, a new dad and a married couple all shop and stay awhile, maybe grabbing a soda while they chat with Ploski. This warm interaction could be at a coffeehouse or neighborhood pub, but it’s Friday night at a vape shop.

They enter Ploski’s Vapor Cave with devices in hand, seeking “vape juice” — nicotine liquid in flavors such as vanilla, cotton candy and tobacco. The average age of his customers is 40-45, but they come as young as 18 and as old as 78.

Ploski, who serves on the board of the Nevada Vaping Association, says the industry is “dealing with a lot of bad publicity.”

E-cigarette and vaping regulations announced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in May took effect Aug. 8, forbidding any new products from entering the market.

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