Heller: ‘Still a lot of work to be done’ on economy

By Jose Olivares, Reno Gazette-Journal

While things are looking up for Nevada’s economy, many Nevadans are still reeling from the effects of the recession and Congress must do more to help people get back on their feet, Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said Tuesday.

Heller made the comments at the Nevada Museum of Art during a talk on Nevada’s economy.

Dean Heller

Dean Heller

“Back in 2008 during the Great Recession, there was no other state that was hit harder than the state of Nevada,” Heller said. “Our economy was wrecked, unemployment was one of the highest in the country, our percentage of homes underwater was the highest in the country and businesses were closing.”

Heller said Congress could do things to help Nevadans, such as repealing specific provisions in the Affordable Care Act like the “Cadillac tax” on high-cost health insurance plans. He also said Interstate 11, which would connect the Phoenix area, Las Vegas and Northern Nevada, would dramatically help the state.

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