S. Lake Tahoe calls loop road initiative ‘vague’
A hearing in Placerville on Monday is the next step in a lawsuit brought by South Lake Tahoe City Council candidate Jason Collin to get the loop road issue off November’s ballot.
Named in the suit that was filed last month are the city, Bill Crawford, Bruce Grego, Laurel Ames and John Cefalu. Those four are the leaders of a movement that got the initiative on the Nov. 8 ballot. The ballot question seeks to prevent the City Council from making decisions about the loop road until a defined alternative is selected, and once it is selected for the voters to be able to weigh in on it.
The city’s response to the suit that was filed in El Dorado County Superior Court says, “With respect to plaintiff and petitioner’s central argument that the measure is invalid on its face and thus unsuitable for presentation to voters, the city does not oppose or contest such claim. Specifically, the city concurs with plaintiff and petitioner that the measure is invalid because: 1. Highway placement and construction is a matter of statewide concern; 2. The measure is vague and ambiguous, without providing specific definitions of ‘approve’ or ‘support’; and 3. The measure fails to enact an actual ordinance as required.”
All sides will have an opportunity to present their case on Aug. 22 before the judge. The judge is expected to make a decision soon so the ballot can be finalized.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Confused…if there was a sufficient number of signatures to have the question on the ballot Jason Collins’ interest in originating this action is what exactly?
Who is paying the bills for this ‘legal’ action
Robin Smith:
Why is it acceptable for the four inventors of Let Tahoe Decide to initiate an action that is costing the taxpayer’s money but it is not acceptable for Mr. Collins to initiate an action in opposition to Let Tahoe Decide?
I am in 100% agreement with the City’s response to the suit that says: “With respect to plaintiff and petitioner’s central argument that the measure [for clarification purposes that is Let Tahoe Decides measure] is invalid on its face and thus unsuitable for presentation to voters, the city does not oppose or contest such claim. Specifically, the city concurs with plaintiff and petitioner that the measure is invalid because: 1. Highway placement and construction is a matter of statewide concern; 2. The measure is vague and ambiguous, without providing specific definitions of ‘approve’ or ‘support’; and 3. The measure fails to enact an actual ordinance as required.”
If you want change in SLT elect Jason Collins to the City Council on November 8th. Individuals can register to vote at the following website:
What is Jason Collins interest in pushing through the loop road? How is he or his friends or partners going to benefit financially if it is built ?