Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·       The South Lake Tahoe Moose Lodge’s 15th annual Kids’ Fishing Derby is Sept. 18 at Tahoe Paradise’s Lake Baron. It is free to those 16 and younger. Registration begins at 7am.

·       El Dorado County is looking for photos of the Rubicon Trail to be included in a 2017 calendar. For more info, email

·       Little Faith, a gospel group, will close the Valhalla season on Aug. 31 at 7:30pm. Tickets are available online.

·       El Dorado County Supervisor Sue Novasel is hosting a meeting Aug. 22 from 6-7pm to discuss the results of a survey regarding the county owned park on Forebay Road. The meeting will be in the “Lodge” at the park, 5581 Gail Drive, Pollock Pines.