American River Basin focus of federal study

In an effort to better understand the imbalances between water supply and demand, the Bureau of Reclamation is launching a study in the American River Basin.

This comprehensive water study will help inform water management in the Central Valley Project.

The basin encompasses 2,140 square miles from its headwaters near Lake Tahoe to Sacramento where it meets the Sacramento River. It is highly populated and the population is expected to grow 47 percent to nearly 3 million people by 2060. The basin supports salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act and provides water to support the Bay-Delta ecosystem.

The American River Basin Study will include the development of detailed hydrologic analysis and models for the basin, which will include consideration of the impacts of climate change. It will also leverage existing stakeholder groups to identify and evaluate adaptation strategies specific to the American River Basin. To complete this study, Reclamation is partnering with the Placer County Water Agency, El Dorado County Water Agency, Sacramento, Roseville, Folsom and Regional Water Authority.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report