Letter: Ag in the Classroom a success

To the community,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people, organizations and businesses that helped to make our fourth annual Farm Day an amazing success on Sept. 20.

AG in the Classroom did an excellent job of  coordinating and providing an outstanding program for over 450 students from Lake Tahoe Unified School District.  I would like to give special thanks to Camp Richardson for the generous donation of their site,  the AG in the Classroom sponsors and Lake Tahoe Education Foundation for funding of this incredible event, LTUSD maintenance staff for helping with set-up and take down, Chimayo Street Grill for providing the delicious lunches and the over 85  incredible presenters and volunteers from both STEEC, South Lake Tahoe and El Dorado.

This year we were also lucky enough to have many Future Farmers of America  students from both Douglas County and El Dorado County help us. The students got to rotate through 28 hands-on, interactive stations on such topics as forestry, nutrition, water, bees, composting and animals. We had a large number of animals this year that the students were able to learn about and touch, including a calf, horses, chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep, and a turkey.

It was a great experience for so many students and I am extremely grateful for all of the wonderful people who make this possible. We couldn’t do it without you.

Beth Quandt, LTUSD science outreach coordinator