Letter: Is TTD spinning its wheels?
To the community,
At one time, we were told by the Tahoe Transportation District that the EIR for the loop road project (aka,
US/50 South Shore Revitalization Project) would be completed in April of this year and submitted for public
comment this summer along with the TTD’s preferred alternative.
More recently, however, TTD has said that the EIR would be published in August, with selection of a preferred alternative and public discussion to follow. If I’m not mistaken, August has come and gone and still there is no sign of an EIR. One begins to wonder if wiser heads have prevailed and TTD has decided to shelve the loop road project much as it appears to have done with its “All Season Crosslake Passenger Ferry”. That project, fortunately, continues to gather electronic dust on TTD’s website.
Jerome Evans, South Lake Tahoe