Letter: Liberty-STPUD need to fix streetlight

To Liberty Utilities, STPUD and the SLT Engineering Dept., 

On July 14 I wrote a letter and asked that it be published because I was having troubles getting a streetlight fixed after contacting all the proper people and agencies and waiting for a period of time. Well here we are months later after my letter and the streetlight still isn’t fixed.

I’ll just mention that I know someone at Liberty Utilities saw my letter on July 14 because I got a very not nice message on the 15th berating me for my letter. I will just say that if I wasn’t beholden to Liberty Utilities for my power, I would not be a customer after the message that was left on my answering machine. I’ll just say that their CSR needs to review their training.

Now, here we are months later, my STPUD bill is coming due, and they want a streetlight fee even though I haven’t received the service.

Again I don’t think it’s right to be charged for a service if I haven’t received it.

Just fix the light already.

John Spinola, South Lake Tahoe