Letter: Questioning cell tower in Meyers
To the community,
T-Mobile is currently working with Lake Valley Fire Protection District to develop a communication facility. T-Mobile is proposing a 100-foot tree tower to blend with the existing trees in the area. Some of us are not happy about this.
T-Mobile sent out letters in an 300-foot radias to homeowners; at the most maybe 30 homeowners.
What do you think can be done to stop this? Then AT&T will come and Verizon, then more money for the fire district. What about us homeowners and exposure coming off microwaves or micro watts. And looking out and seeing this in our backyard.
Thank you,
Rick Robinson, Meyers
Maybe Lake Valley can use some of there new found wealth from the rent they will earn from renting the tax payers land to pave some new parking. Obviously the fire district doesn’t have to play by the same rules as the rest of us and park on the paved parking areas. I walk past the station daily and have witnessed as many as 100 vehicles parked in every possible spot. The paved parking area appears to be designed to hold around 15 vehicles. It was bigger until they moved in some dumpy temporary buildings that take up a large portion of their lot. I’m sure if TRPA made a official visit to Lake Valleys facility there would be a large list of environmental corrections that would need to be made. The obvious infractions are the lack of parking barriers and dumpster enclosures .
How many of you have Wi-Fi in your homes or smart TV’s? This fear is nonsense. Short of walking around with the device in your shorts there is little risk. At least the tree towers are easier on the eye than the big steel ones.
As an emergency manager, I depend on getting and sending critical communications around the clock and I am sure that many of you actually are dependent on ensuring that you can send/receive messaging around any number of crises, large and small, that affect you and your family.
I am tired of standing just so to hold conversations on my cell.
They can put it up in my yard.
In most instances these other companies will rent space on the tower. The towers at round hill and Glenbrook serve the public well, even though they are noticeable. Maybe it’s the answers to all our dying trees, just kidding.
“Tree towers” may be easier on the eye, but they still don’t look like trees. Instead of building towers that look sort of like trees and make us all look like fools to our future generations, how about building a tower that looks like a tower and putting it on top of the fire house.
How many don’t want the cell tree, yet complain about bad cell connections?
I’ve have experience in this issue. These towers can be stopped. The health issue can’t be used, but there are numerous other issues that can be raised. Contact me off line. Lou
There is plenty of areas west end of Paradise Park away from homes and the park could use the money from the rental.
K9, Yep, they said tobacco was not a health risk, so what did they find out?
I just got off the phone with Charter Customer Service figuring out how I can make sure my battery backup on the phone modem is working so I won’t be caught short in an emergency when the power is out. Why do I need that back up? Because the cell coverage in Meyers has become so abysmal, it can’t be trusted to call even 911 in an emergency. New cell tower in Meyers… I’m thrilled!
This is an interesting dynamic, (This does not just happen here but everywhere.) any change at all has its opponents. Be it a loop road, a cell tower, a traffic circle, a parking meter or a special event change is tough.
Carl, Isn’t it nice when we can vote on change, it’s called democracy, you know?
“It is a besetting vice of Democracies to substitute public opinion for law. This is the usual form in which masses of men exhibit their tyranny.”
James Fenimore Cooper
You missed the point. Voting or not voting is one method of how you settle an issue which I generally have no problem with. My point was simply any change and progressive movement forward is difficult. Generally people fear change, they have entrenched interests, want to maintain power and influence or a proposal is simply not a good idea. One or all need to be overcome in order to make change.
No Carl, all you need is a vote it’s really simple.
Lou as usual you miss the point. In fact you just made my int. It’s not about about voting it’s about a mindset for change some people have it others don’t. It’s hard to grasps when your about the status quo. Moving on.
Carl, You missed the social science class sorry.
Lou you just can’t seem to get the point. Sorry. Stretch your thinking a bit you might figure it out yet.
I see, Carl you want what you want without a vote, you should move.