Opinion: SLTPD new look, SWAT operations
By Brian Uhler
The officers and staff of the South Lake Tahoe Police Department have undertaken a review appearance of the SLTPD vehicles and have concluded with a new design.

Brian Uhler
The new look depicts our patch, which we are all proud to wear. The background includes a mountain scene which represents our good fortune to serve in such a beautiful place. The old logo was rather generic with just lettering on the doors. I hope you like the new look.
I recently had the pleasure of going with our SWAT team as they served a search and arrest warrant for a man who committed a robbery with a gun. It was impressive to watch our troops in action. In today’s times, it is imperative to be in control and present a calm demeanor.
As the officers did their job, there was no yelling or fast, seemingly hurried actions. Instead, the voice on the MRAP armored vehicle’s public address system asking for those inside to come out was calm and the officers moved with a deliberate pace. The unfolding of events was methodical and
clear to everyone who may have had an opportunity view.

SLTPD has a new logo.
As a police chief who has more than 19 years of serving in a variety of SWAT capacities, I am proud of the SLTPD’s team and impressed with their cool nature. The public can be reassured that if things ever get really bad, your police department will handle themselves with professionalism and
respect for all concerned—even the suspect(s).
Brian Uhler is chief of police for South Lake Tahoe.
The new logo look great.