Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· Stacy Noyes has been appointed to the Douglas County Planning Commission. She will fill out Jim Beattie’s term, which expires Dec. 31, 2018.
· The Guinn Center for Policy Priorities has released a series of fact sheets on the various state and county ballot initiatives voters in Nevada will consider in November.
· The Tahoe Area Sierra Club is having a fundraising event at Aspen Hollow Nursery on Sept. 18 at 4pm. Cost is $15 for members, $20 for others. There will be wine, vittles and dessert. Julie Carville, author of “Tahoe’s Spectacular Wildflower Trails”, will sign books and talk about local flora.
· Tahoe Sports Hub’s Boulder Bash is Sept. 24 from 9am-5pm in Truckee. For more info, go online.
· Here is the El Dorado-Tahoe roadwork schedule from Caltrans for next week.