Blue Ribbon award nominees being sought

Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the Blue Ribbon Awards.

This is a chance to recognize South Shore businesses and individuals who excel in working as one in an effort to improve the quality of life on the South Shore. The public is encouraged to nominate South Shore businesses or individuals that have made a positive and lasting impression on the community.

The deadline is Oct. 17 at noon.

The categories are:

  • Geotourism Award – Providing an authentic Tahoe experience
  • Tourism Award – Innovative program, promotion or product for our visitors
  • Experience Award – Business providing compelling and captivating experiences
  • Entrepreneur Award – An innovative individual who assumed the risk of starting a new business
  • Customer Service (Business) Award – An individual who consistently provides quality service
  • Customer Service (Public Agency) Award – Quality service in the not so usual places
  • Wendell Award for Green Business or Program – Business that is minimizing impact on the environment

Businesses and individuals are not required to be chamber members to be nominated or to win.

Nominees will be announced later in October and the winners will be announced Nov. 10 during at the Blue Ribbon Awards ceremony at Hard Rock.